Burglary prevention during your holidays

Secure Your Home For The Holiday Season Using Smart Home Tech

With summer just around the corner many of us will be planning our holiday, a chance to get away from it all and take a well-earned break. But it can be tough to relax when our home is left empty and unguarded against would-be intruders. According to figures released by data company Knoema, burglaries continue to be one of the most prevalent crimes across Northern Europe. With this in mind, there are a number of very basic steps someone can take before leaving their home empty for any period of time.

Taking Precautions:

  • Ensuring all your windows and doors are securely locked
  • Tell your neighbours you’re heading away on holiday and ask them to keep an eye on your property
  • Make your home look lived in
  • Mow the lawn before you go
  • Don’t leave your curtains or blinds drawn (ideally, ask a friend/neighbour to close them for you at night time)
  • Program your lights to turn on and off at set times
  • Keep your holiday plans as private as possible. The more people who know you’re away, the greater the danger your will fall victim to crime
  • Ensure your home insurance is up to date
  • Make sure your expensive valuables are locked away in a secure place

As well as these more traditional methods of minimising the risk of falling victim to crime, more and more people are turning to smart alarm systems and connected home technology.

Smart Security:

There is a huge range of smart home security solutions designed to give you peace of mind while you’re off enjoying the summer sun, from burglar alarms to wireless smart alarm systems. With high-tech solutions such as the ability to activate it via your smartphone and wireless 90dB+ sirens. If you’re not home then no worries, because some systems can warn the police straight away. You can also add friends or neighbours to the app who’ll get a push message if there’s someone on your property.

Home security isn’t just about sound but sight too. HD wi-fi security cameras can detect intruders, take their picture as is a short bust of video footage. Don’t worry if you’ve got pets!  The indoor security camera can be configured so it doesn’t react when your pooch or feline wanders past. For your privacy, there are cameras with a shutter that closes when you enter the room.

Nowadays, these kind of security systems are super easy to install. For example is a fully stand-alone system that you just install it in a strategically smart spot, activate it using an app, and it’s up and ready to protect your home in no time at all. Check out all Somfy’s smart alarm systems here.

 Chris K